The money you earn from your everyday spending goes directly into your account. You can choose to invest your earnings in a high-yield savings account or tax-deferred 529 plan; use it to pay down a student loan; or request a check that can be used for college or other expenses.
Create a college savings service that harnesses the purchasing power of parents, extended family, family, and students to make it easier to pay for college.
Members direct their spending-including more than 800 online stores, 8,000+ restaurants, thousands of grocery and drugstore items—and earn money for college.
Once you join, nearly everything you buy or do can mean more money for college in your account. Check out all these great program options. Remember: the more you do, the more you can get back. You'll be able to watch your account accumulate daily with all your eligible purchases. See how everyday spending can add up!
Shop online:
Get 1%-25% back from eligible purchases at more than 600 online retailers when you shop through the webpage.
Eat at our participating restaurants:
Get up to 8% cash back at thousands of participating restaurants — on food, drinks, tax and tip.
Go to the grocery store or drug store:
Activate Grocery eCoupons each month to earn on participating grocery and drugstore items.
Invite family and friends:
You can save over 2 times more when your family and friends help!
join today, it's free!
Get started Now.
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